/ˈse.roː/ - Latin; verb
"to link up"

Simply put, we provide the missing links to a better employee benefits experience

The Who

Our team sits at the intersection of benefits and everything they touch in your company

Each company and their people are unique

"Baby Boomers"; "Gen X"; "Millennials"; "Gen Z". We are in the midst of the most dynamic workforce we have ever seen. Meeting everyone's expectations demands open minded thinking, administrative efficiencies, and a team that can deliver.

Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, Disability...table stakes of any benefit program. Your employees aren't asking about those benefits because they're prerequisites of their employment.

Flexibility, mental health, financial wellbeing, student loan repayment, maternity/paternity leave...these are some of the topics being asked about when it comes to "benefits", now, and in the future of work.

The What

We help companies like yours achieve their potential by helping your people reach theirs

We make the magic happen

HR Support

We provide dedicated assistance at every turn. Administration, Technology, Compliance, Communications. We've got your back.

Financial Transparency

We routinely save money across the healthcare supply chain. Our solutions educate you and your people how to save 25% and MORE.

Exceeding expectations every day

The proof is in the pudding, as they say. Let us provide a free audit and we will show you the potential!

No obligations. Real Results.

Proven programs with 20+ years of verified results

The How

Let's work together

Personalized Experience

Every client receives a dedicated account team with a single point of contact. Every employee and their families have a dedicated team of healthcare advocates

Creative Development

We take the time to understand your values and your people to develop a tailored 3-year program

Continuing Education

Our strategies live in your data. We monitor your data each month to continually educate you on areas of strength and opportunities to improve

Custom Communications

What good is all of this data and strategic thinking without effective communication? We develop client branded materials for Open Enrollment and beyond